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Researching widening access to lifelong learning :

Researching widening access to lifelong learning : issues and approaches in international research / Michael Osborne, Jim Gallacher, and Beth Crossan. - London : New York : RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. - xii, 239 p. ill., maps ; 25 cm.

includes index

1. Part one: researching widening access: key issues
2. Chapter one: an international perspective on researching widening access (mike osborne, university of stirling
3. And jim gallacher, glasgow caledonian university)

4. Chapter two: researching widening access: an overview (peter scott, kingston university)
5. Chapter three: researching access in a rapidly changing context: experiences from south africa (shirley
6. Walters, university of the western cape)
7. Chapter four: looking through the kaleidoscope: diversification, accessibility and inequality in scottish higher
8. Education (brenda morgan klein and mark murphy, university of stirling)
9. Chapter five: discourses of access: changing views in a changing world (david boud, university of technology,
10. Sydney)
11. Chapter six: literacy and widening access (joe lo bianco, university of melbourne)
12. Chapter seven: widening access for the education of adults in the united states (juanita johnson-bailey and
13. Ronald m. Cervero, university of georgia)
14. Chapter eight: e-learning and access: getting behind the hype (jo barraket, university of melbourne)
15. Chapter nine: access as more: issues of student performance retention and institutional change (hunter boylan,
16. Appalachian state university)
17. Chapter ten: after access: researching labour market issues (ewart keep, university of warwick)

18. Part two: researching widening access: methodological issues
19. Chapter eleven: participatory paradigms: researching 'with' rather than 'on' (ramon flecha and jesús
20. Gómez,university of barcelona)
21. Chapter twelve: questions of access and participation: some contributions from qualitative research (beth crossan,
22. Glasgow caledonian university and mike osborne, university of stirling)
23. Chapter thirteen: biography and narratives: adult returners to learning (barbara merrill, university of warwick
24. And peter alheit, university of göttingen)
25. Chapter fourteen: counting access: problems and puzzles (alistair forsyth, glasgow caledonian university and
26. Andy furlong, university of glasgow)
27. Chapter fifteen:e-learning, marginalised communities and social capital: a mixed method approach (sara
28. Ferlander, university college of south stockholm)
29. Chapter sixteen: organisation behaviour, research and access (chris duke, royal melbourne institute of
30. Technology)
31. Chapter seventeen: the case study approach to research in adult literacy, numeracy and esol: an examination of
32. The role and importance of case studies in adult education research. (rob mark, queens university belfast)
33. Chapter eighteen: researching widening access: the future agenda (jim gallacher and beth crossan, glasgow
34. Caledonian university)

0415322367 (hardback) 9780415409643

Education, Higher--Aims and objectives.
Educational equalization.
Inclusive education.

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