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Early childhood development : a multicultural perspective (Record no. 16780)

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International Standard Book Number 9780132868594
Transcribing agency PK-IsLIS
Edition number 6th ed.
Classification number 372.21
Item number Sm511
Personal name Trawick-Smith, Jeffrey
Title Early childhood development : a multicultural perspective
Statement of responsibility, etc / Jeffrey Trawick Smith
Place of publication, distribution, etc Boston :
Name of publisher, distributor, etc Pearson Education,
Date of publication, distribution, etc 2014
Extent xii, 564 p.
Topical term or geographic name as entry element Child development. Early childhood education. Multicultural education.
Koha item type Books
Formatted contents note How Have Views on Childhood Changed Over the Years? --<br/>Western Perspectives Throughout History --<br/>Non-Western Perspectives Throughout History --<br/>Why Study Early Childhood Development? --<br/>A Guide to Interactions with Children --<br/>A Guide to Curriculum Planning --<br/>A Guide to Observing Children and Identifying Special Needs --<br/>A Guide to Understanding and Appreciating Diversity --<br/>A Guide to Advocacy and the Shaping of Public Policy --<br/>Why Study Early Childhood Development from a Multicultural Perspective? --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 2 Research and Assessment in Early Childhood Development --<br/>Research on Young Children --<br/>Early Child Study --<br/>Correlational Studies --<br/>Experimental Studies --<br/>Multicultural Critique of Traditional Research --<br/>Qualitative/Ethnographic Studies --<br/>Assessment of Young Children Note continued: The Assessment and Accountability Movement --<br/>Summative Assessment --<br/>Formative Assessment --<br/>Assessment to Identify Disabilities --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 3 Theories of Child Development --<br/>Maturationist Theory --<br/>Working with Adam --<br/>Critique and Multicultural Analysis --<br/>Behaviorist Theory --<br/>Classical and Operant Conditioning --<br/>Social Learning Theory --<br/>Working with Adam --<br/>Critique and Multicultural Analysis --<br/>Psychoanalytic Theory --<br/>Erikson's Ages of Emotional Development --<br/>Working with Adam --<br/>Critique and Multicultural Analysis --<br/>Cognitive-Developmental Theory --<br/>Working with Adam --<br/>Critique and Multicultural Analysis --<br/>Sociocultural Theory --<br/>Working with Adam --<br/>Critique and Multicultural Analysis --<br/>Information Processing Theory --<br/>Working with Adam --<br/>Critique and Multicultural Analysis --<br/>Ecological Systems Theory --<br/>Working with Adam --<br/>Critique and Multicultural Analysis Note continued: Neuroscience and Theories of Development --<br/>Neuroscience and Maturationist Theory: Working with Adam --<br/>Neuroscience and Behaviorist Theory: Working with Adam --<br/>Neuroscience and Psychoanalytic Theory: Working with Adam --<br/>Neuroscience and Cognitive-Developmental, Sociocultural, and Information Processing Theories: Working with Adam --<br/>Neuroscience and Ecological Systems Theory: Working with Adam --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 4 Genetics, Prenatal Development, and Birth --<br/>Genetics: The Biological Steps to Becoming a Unique Human Being --<br/>Genes and Chromosomes --<br/>Hereditary Diseases --<br/>Genetics from a Multicultural Perspective --<br/>Becoming Human --<br/>Becoming an Individual --<br/>Becoming an Individual Within a Cultural Group --<br/>Prenatal Development --<br/>Environmental Influences on Prenatal Development --<br/>Teen Pregnancy --<br/>Prenatal Development and the Brain --<br/>Childbirth --<br/>Western Childbirth Procedures --<br/>Childbirth Across Cultures --<br/>Summary Note continued: Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 5 The Newborn --<br/>Physical Characteristics of Newborns --<br/>Newborn Psychological States --<br/>Sleeping --<br/>Alert and Waking Activity States --<br/>Crying --<br/>Breastfeeding --<br/>Reflexes --<br/>Exploration and Habituation --<br/>Newborns with Special Needs --<br/>Genetic Disorders --<br/>Environmental Risk Factors --<br/>Poor Health Status and Prematurity --<br/>Protecting the Newborn Brain --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 6 Physical Growth of Infants and Toddlers --<br/>Physical Growth and Motor Development of Infants --<br/>Trends in Physical Growth --<br/>Motor Abilities --<br/>Physical Growth and Motor Development of Toddlers --<br/>Toddler Motor Abilities --<br/>Toddler Self-Care Skills --<br/>Perceptual Development of Infants --<br/>Vision --<br/>Hearing --<br/>Taste and Smell --<br/>Touch --<br/>Toddler Perceptual Development --<br/>Brain Growth of Infants and Toddlers --<br/>How the Brain Works --<br/>The Super-Dense Infant and Toddler Brain --<br/>Promoting Infant and Toddler Brain Growth Note continued: Prime Time for Brain Growth --<br/>Classroom Adaptations: Infants and Toddlers with Perceptual-Motor Challenges --<br/>Visual Impairment --<br/>Hearing Impairment --<br/>Other Conditions That Affect Perception and Motor Ability --<br/>Infant and Toddler Obesity --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 7 Cognitive Development of Infants and Toddlers --<br/>Piaget's View of Infant and Toddler Intelligence --<br/>Piaget's Substages --<br/>A Multicultural Critique of Piaget's Theory --<br/>Neuroscience and Piaget's Theory --<br/>Other Cognitive Abilities --<br/>Infant Memory --<br/>Toddler Memory --<br/>Infant Attention --<br/>Toddler Attention --<br/>Infant and Toddler Play and Cognitive Development --<br/>Variations In Cognitive Development --<br/>Culture and Cognitive Development --<br/>Poverty --<br/>Challenging Conditions and Cognitive Development --<br/>Families, Culture, and Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs --<br/>Early Intervention --<br/>Classroom Adaptations: Infants and Toddlers with Cognitive Disabilities --<br/>Summary Note continued: Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 8 Infant and Toddler Language and Literacy --<br/>Receptive Communication --<br/>Speech Perception --<br/>Understanding Words --<br/>Productive Communication --<br/>Infant Crying --<br/>Infant Noises and Gestures --<br/>Infant Babbling --<br/>Infants' First Words --<br/>Toddlers' Word Use --<br/>Toddlers' Two-Word Utterances --<br/>Infant and Toddler Language Learning and The Brain --<br/>Infant and Toddler Literacy --<br/>Infant Literacy Experiences --<br/>Reading with Toddlers --<br/>Classroom Adaptations: Infants and Toddlers with Language Delays --<br/>Hearing Impairment and Infant and Toddler Language --<br/>Down Syndrome and Infant and Toddler Language --<br/>General Language Delay --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 9 Infant and Toddler Social and Emotional Development --<br/>Trust and Attachment --<br/>Attachment Formation --<br/>Separation Anxiety and Stranger Anxiety --<br/>Types of Attachment --<br/>Cultural Variations in Infant Attachment --<br/>Parenting Behaviors, Attachment, and Culture Note continued: Attachment and Disabilities --<br/>Attachment and Family Stress --<br/>Attachment Interventions --<br/>Infant and Toddler Care and Attachment --<br/>Attachment and the "Social Brain" --<br/>Autonomy of Toddlers --<br/>Cultural Variations in Autonomy --<br/>Temperament --<br/>Temperament and Attachment --<br/>Temperament and Culture --<br/>Temperament and the Brain --<br/>Early Emotions --<br/>Emotions and Culture --<br/>Infant and Toddler Emotions and the Brain --<br/>Infant and Toddler Relationships and Egocentrism --<br/>Classroom Adaptations: The Social and Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 10 Preschool Physical and Motor Development --<br/>Physical Growth --<br/>Gross Motor Development --<br/>Cultural Variations in Motor Skills --<br/>Cultural Variations in Activity Level --<br/>Motor Play and Culture --<br/>Running and Walking --<br/>Climbing and Jumping Down --<br/>Catching and Throwing --<br/>Balancing --<br/>Rough-and-Tumble Play --<br/>The Body-Brain Connection Note continued: Fine Motor Development --<br/>Artistic Development --<br/>Drawing Development: A Traditional View --<br/>Drawing and Culture: The Reggio Emilia Perspective --<br/>Artistic Expression and the Brain --<br/>Gender and Motor Development --<br/>Personal and Family Life Skills --<br/>Classroom Adaptations: Preschoolers with Physically Challenging Conditions --<br/>Neurological and Perceptual Disorders --<br/>Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder --<br/>Malnutrition --<br/>Obesity --<br/>Early Intervention --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 11 Cognitive Development in the Preschool Years --<br/>Cognitive Development in the Preschool Years: Piaget's Theory --<br/>Characteristics of Preoperational Thought --<br/>Piagetian Tasks --<br/>Criticisms of Piagetian Theory --<br/>Cultural Variations --<br/>Flaws in Research --<br/>Vygotsky's Perspective on Cognitive Development --<br/>Culture and Social and Language Interactions --<br/>Information Processing Perspective on Preschool Cognition --<br/>Attention --<br/>Theories of the Mind Note continued: Variations in Theories of the Mind --<br/>Executive Function and the Brain --<br/>Academic Skills and the Standards Movement --<br/>Classroom Adaptations: Preschoolers with Cognitive Disabilities --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 12 Symbolic Thought: Play, Language, and Literacy in the Preschool Years --<br/>Sociodramatic Play --<br/>Sociodramatic Play and Cognition --<br/>Components of Sociodramatic Play --<br/>Sociodramatic Play Intervention --<br/>Sociodramatic Play, Class, and Culture --<br/>Classroom Adaptations: Facilitating The Play of Children with Special Needs --<br/>Play and Visual Impairments --<br/>Play and Hearing Impairments --<br/>Play and Cognitive Disabilities --<br/>Play and Autism --<br/>Sociodramatic Play and the Brain --<br/>First- and Second-Language Acquisition --<br/>Phonology --<br/>Semantics --<br/>Syntax --<br/>Pragmatics --<br/>Bilingual Preschools --<br/>The Brain's Role in Learning a Second Language --<br/>Literacy Development --<br/>Writing --<br/>Reading --<br/>Phonemic Awareness --<br/>Promoting Early Literacy Note continued: Cultural Variations in Emergent Literacy --<br/>Classroom Adaptations: Addressing Language and Literacy Delays --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 13 Social and Emotional Development of Preschoolers --<br/>Emotional Growth in the Preschool Years --<br/>Initiative Versus Guilt --<br/>Social Initiative --<br/>Initiative and Self-Concept --<br/>Initiative and Culture --<br/>Social Competence --<br/>Peer Status: Children Who are Popular, Rejected, and Neglected --<br/>Friendships --<br/>Social Participation --<br/>Positive and Negative Social Behaviors --<br/>The Brain and Social Behaviors --<br/>Culture and Social Competence --<br/>Culture and Prosocial Behaviors --<br/>Play --<br/>Access to Peers --<br/>Friendliness and Shyness --<br/>Rough Play and Teasing --<br/>Social Interaction and Second-Language Acquisition --<br/>Peer Acceptance and Culture --<br/>Other Sources of Variation in Social Competence --<br/>Poverty and Family Stressors --<br/>Siblings --<br/>Child Care --<br/>Gender and Social Development Note continued: Classroom Adaptations: Social Competence and Young Children with Disabilities --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 14 Physical Growth and Motor Development in the Primary Years --<br/>Physical Appearance and Stature --<br/>Cultural Variations in Physical Growth --<br/>Poverty and Health Status of Primary-Age Children --<br/>Illness --<br/>Nutrition --<br/>Obesity --<br/>Injury --<br/>Violence --<br/>Homelessness --<br/>Motor Development in the Primary Years --<br/>The Body-Brain Connection --<br/>Motor Play and Culture --<br/>Functional Play --<br/>Rough-and-Tumble Play --<br/>Pretend Play --<br/>Games with Rules --<br/>Teasing Play --<br/>Rituals --<br/>Modern Threats to Motor Play --<br/>Television --<br/>School Policy --<br/>Classroom Adaptations: Physically Challenging Conditions --<br/>Cerebral Palsy --<br/>Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy --<br/>Spina Bifida --<br/>Meeting Special Motor Needs in School --<br/>Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 15 Cognitive Development in the Primary Years Note continued: Schools Across Cultures --<br/>Intelligence --<br/>Uses of IQ Tests in School --<br/>Analysis and Multicultural Critique of IQ Testing --<br/>Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development --<br/>Assimilation and Accommodation --<br/>The Concrete Operational Stage --<br/>Piaget's Theory and Traditional School Subjects --<br/>Analysis and Multicultural Critique of Piaget's Theory --<br/>Underestimates of Competence --<br/>Culture and Cognitive Abilities --<br/>Vygotsky's View of Language and Social Interaction --<br/>Memory --<br/>Types of Memory --<br/>Memory and the Brain --<br/>Memory and Culture --<br/>Metacognition --<br/>Rehearsal --<br/>Labeling and Organization --<br/>Paying Attention --<br/>Metacognition in School --<br/>Culture and School Success --<br/>Clashes in Cognitive Style --<br/>Poor Schools and Teaching --<br/>Family Attitudes Toward School --<br/>School and the Standards Movement --<br/>Classroom Adaptations: Primary-Grade Children with Cognitive Disabilities --<br/>Learning Disabilities --<br/>Children Who are Gifted and Talented Note continued: Meeting Diverse Cognitive Needs in One Classroom --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 16 Language and Literacy in the Primary Years --<br/>First- and Second-Language Acquisition --<br/>Phonology --<br/>Semantics --<br/>Syntax --<br/>Metalinguistic Awareness --<br/>Pragmatics --<br/>Bilingual Education --<br/>Literacy Development --<br/>Writing in the Primary Years --<br/>Reading Development --<br/>Literacy and Culture --<br/>Biliteracy --<br/>Classroom Adaptations: Language, Literacy, and Children with Special Needs --<br/>Reading and the Brain --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 17 Social and Emotional Development in the Primary Years --<br/>A Sense of Competence --<br/>Development of Feelings of Competence --<br/>A Sense of Competence in School --<br/>Types of Self-Esteem --<br/>Competence Versus Social Acceptance --<br/>Feelings of Control --<br/>Feelings of Moral Self-Worth --<br/>Integrating the Types of Self-Esteem --<br/>Self-Esteem and Culture --<br/>Inclusive Views of Self Note continued: Cultural Competencies and Criteria for Self-Evaluation --<br/>Culture and Feelings of Control --<br/>Culture and Feelings of Moral Self-Worth --<br/>Self-Esteem, Prejudice, and the Myth of Self-Hatred --<br/>Early Identity Formation --<br/>Gender Identity --<br/>Ethnic Identity --<br/>Peer Relationships --<br/>The Peer Group --<br/>Peer Rejection and Reputation --<br/>Children Who are Neglected --<br/>Friendships --<br/>Peer Relations, Culture, and Class --<br/>Moral Development --<br/>Critiques of Kohlberg --<br/>Classroom Adaptations: Social Competence and Children with Special Needs --<br/>Serious Emotional Disturbance --<br/>Autism and Social Competence --<br/>ADHD and Social Competence --<br/>Invisible Disabilities and Peer Acceptance --<br/>Peer Relationships and the Brain --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice --<br/>ch. 18 Parents, Families, and Children: A Multicultural Perspective --<br/>Types of Families --<br/>Nuclear Families --<br/>Extended Families --<br/>Single-Parent Families --<br/>Gay and Lesbian Families --<br/>Foster Families Note continued: Adoptive Families --<br/>Family Members Who Influence Children's Development --<br/>Fathers --<br/>Grandparents --<br/>Siblings --<br/>Friends Who Are Like Family --<br/>Parent Beliefs About Child Development --<br/>Poverty and Beliefs About Children --<br/>Oppression and Beliefs About Children --<br/>Parenting Beliefs and Professional Practice --<br/>Parenting Styles --<br/>Adult-Child Interactions --<br/>Parent Communication --<br/>Responses to Crying --<br/>Teaching Behaviors --<br/>Carrying and Holding Practices --<br/>Family Stressors and Resilience --<br/>Divorce --<br/>Addiction and Substance Abuse --<br/>Homelessness --<br/>Teachers as a Protective Factor --<br/>Summary --<br/>Research Into Practice.
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