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Valency and molecular structure

Cartmell, E.

Valency and molecular structure / E. Cartmell and G. W. A. Fowles. - 4th ed. - London : Boston : Butterworths, 1977. - 341 p. ill. ; 24 cm.

includes index

1. Historical introduction;
2. The experimental foundation of the quantum theory;
3. Elementary quantum theory;
4. The hydrogen atom;
5. Quantum theory and the periodic classification;
6. The molecular orbital method;
7. The valence bond method;
8. Directed valency;
9. Ionic, hydrogen and metallic bonds;
10. The structures of some simple inorganic compounds;
11. Complex compounds;
12. Electronic spectra of transition metal complexes;
13. Electron deficient molecules


Valence (Theoretical chemistry)
Molecular structure.

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