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Introduction to analytic number theory

Apostol, Tom M.

Introduction to analytic number theory / Tom M. Apostol - New Delhi : Narosa Publishing House, 1989 - xii, 338 p.

includes bibliography and index

1. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic
2. Arithmetical functions and dirichlet multiplication
3. Averages of arithmetical functions
4. Some elementary theorems on the distribution of prime numbers
5. Congruences
6. Finite abelian groups and their characters
7. Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions
8. Periodic arithmetical functions and gauss sums
9. Quadratic residues and the quadratic reciprocity law
10. Primitive roots
11. Dirichlet series and euler products
12. The functions
13. Analytic proof of the prime number theorem
14. Partitions


Mathematical analysis

510 / A645
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