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The Europa world of learning 2007

The Europa world of learning 2007 / edited by Driss Fatih - 57th ed. - London : Routledge, 2007 - volumes - 01, 02 .

1. Burundi.
2. Cambodia.
3. Cameroon.
4. Canada
5. Cape Verde.
6. Central African Republic ...
7. Cha
8. Afghanistan
9. Bangladesh.
10. Bosnia and Herzegovina.
11. Botswana..
12. Brazil.
13. Brunei
14. Bulgaria
15. Burkina Faso.
16. Albania
17. Algeria.
18. Andorra.
19. Angola.
20. Antigua and Barbuda.
21. Argentina
22. Australia.
23. Azerbaijan.
24. Bahamas.
25. Bahrain.

26. Barbados.
27. Belarus.
28. Belgium.
29. Belize.
30. Benin.
31. Bhutan
32. Bolivia.

33. Armenia

34. Austria

35. Hong Kong
36. Macao

37. ..

38. ..

39. Cameroon .. . ...
40. Canada
41. Cape Verde
42. Central African Republic
43. Chad
44. Chile
45. China, People's Republic

46. Cambodia

47. . . . .

48. . .

49. ..

50. hina CTaiwan).
51. Colombia.
52. Congo, Democratic Republic
53. Congo, Republic
54. Costa Rica
55. Côte d'Ivoire
56. Croatia
57. Cuba
58. Cypr rus
59. Czech Republic

60. Denmark

61. Faroe Islands

62. Greenland.
63. Djibou uti
64. Dominica.
65. Dominican Republic

66. Ecuador.
67. Egypt
68. EI Salvador.
69. Eritrea.
70. Estonia
71. Ethiopia.

72. Fiji
73. Finland.

74. Aland Islands
75. France.
76. French Guiana..
77. French Polynesi
78. Guadeloupe..
79. Martinique.
80. New Caledonia.
81. Réunion.
82. Gabon
83. Gambia.
84. Georgia.
85. Germany.
86. Ghana
87. Great Britain (see United Kingdom)
88. Greece.
89. Grenada
90. Guatemala.
91. Guinea.

978-1-85743-439 9781857434408 (hbk)

Education, Higher-Learned institutions and societies

378.0025 / D7819
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