The state, religion and ethnic politics
/ Ali Banuazizi
- Lahore : Vanguard Book Publishers, 1987
- xi, 390 p.
I. Afghanistan : 1. State building and social fragmentation in Afghanistan : A historical perspective 2. Ethnic, regional and sectarian alignments in Afghanistan 3. The prospects for state building in Afghanistan 4. The changing role of Islam as unifying force in Afghanistan II. Iran : 5. Religion, ethnic minorities and the state in Iran : an overview 6. Minority state relations in contemporary Iran 7. State formation consolidation in and the Islamic republic 8. From religious accommodation to religious revolution : the transformation of Shia’ism in Iran III. Pakistan : 9. Islam, ethnicity and the state in Pakistan : an overview 10. Ethnicity and the political stalemate in Pakistan 11. State building in Pakistan 12. Islam : ideology and politics in Pakistan