Kaplan, Irving

Nuclear physics / Irving Kaplan - 2nd ed. - Reading : Addison-Wesley, 1962 - xiv, 770 p.

includes index

1. P1: The background of nuclear physics
2. The chemical foundations of atomic theory
3. Atoms, electrons and radiations
4. The nuclear atom
5. X-rays and atomic structure
6. The quantum theory of radiation
7. The special theory or relativity
8. Atomic spectra and atomic structure
9. P2: The nucleus
10. The constitution of the nucleus
11. Isotopes
12. Natural radioactivity and the laws of radioactives transformation
13. Artificial nuclear disintegration
14. Artificial radioactivity
15. Alpha-decay
16. Beta-decay
17. Gamma-rays and gamma-decay
18. Nuclear reactions
19. Nuclear forces and nuclear structure
20. P3: Special topics and application
21. Nuclear fission
22. Nuclear energy sources
23. The acceleration of charged particles


Physics-Modern Physics

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