Kaplan, Irving

Nuclear physics / Irving Kaplan - 2nd ed. - New Dehli : IBH Publishing House, 1962 - xiv, 770 p.

includes index

1. P1: The background of nuclear physics
2. The chemical foundation of atomic theory
3. Atoms, electron and radiations
4. The nuclear atom
5. X-rays and atomic structure
6. The quantum theory of radiation
7. The special theory of relativity
8. Atomic spectra and atomic structure
9. P2: The nucleus
10. The constitution of the nucleus
11. Isotopes
12. Natural radioactivity and the laws of radioactivity transformation
13. Artificial nuclear disintegration
14. Artificial radioactivity
15. Alpha decay
16. Beta-decay
17. Gamma-rays and gamma decay
18. Nuclear reactions
19. Nuclear forces and nuclear structure
20. P3: special topics and applications
21. Nuclear fission
22. Nuclear energy sources
23. The acceleration of charged particles


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