Abdul Haseeb Mujahid, PhD Education, 2022, Supervised by Dr. Ijaz Ahmad Tatlah
Exploration of teachers' and students' satisfaction, teaching quality and teachers' performance evaluation from instructional perspective at university level
/ Abdul Haseeb Mujahid
- Lahore : Division of Education, University of Education, 2022,
- 201 p. CD.
The main objective of this study was to investigate and explore the reliable research data to get an in depth understanding of teachers and teachers’ performance, teaching quality students’ satisfaction with their learning. To get a clear and fair understanding it was made sure that the population selected for the study, the sampling procedures, questions understudy, variable on the basis of which a comprehensive analysis was made possible, the instrument used for the study were carefully selected, tested and administered. Pilot study was conducted to ensure the validity and reliability of instruments. This study was explanatory as well as exploratory in nature based on Pragmatic approach (Mix Method). QUANt-qual model was used. Survey was conducted to collect data from teachers and students by using “Modified Instructive Perspective Inventory” (MIPI). In this model priority was given to quantitative method and qualitative data was collected subsequently to ensure triangulation of the data collected. The advantage of this method is that the strengths of both (quantitative and qualitative) methods offset/ compensates the weaknesses of each other. Data were analyzed statistically and focus group interviews were conducted to validate the findings of quantitative study. Teachers and Students of Teacher Education program in universities and DAIs were the population of this study. As per the details mentioned at website of HEC (2020),. An adopted questionnaire was administered to explore the teachers’ and students’ satisfaction, teaching quality and teachers’ performance evaluation from instructional perspective at university level. Tool has different versions for professors and students. Different tests were applied to get appropriate results according to the requirement of the study. Frequency analysis was conducted to find out statistics related to demographic variables on both students’ and professors’ version of the tool. Mean and standard deviation were applied on all statements of both version to find out students and professors perceptions. t test and ANOVA were applied to find out the difference in perceptions based on different demographic variables such as gender, university type, age, experience, qualification, their level of satisfaction etc. correlation and regression xxi analysis was applied to test the relationship between teachers’ and students’ satisfaction, teaching quality and teachers’ performance. Findings related to the participants’ level of satisfaction regarding their learning in class showed that a significant majority was satisfied or highly satisfied with their leaning experiences in class. Pearson r was applied to find out the relationship between students’ perception regarding their teachers’ performance and their level of satisfaction and it was found that p value was smaller than .05 so it could be said that there was a significant relationship between students’ perception regarding teachers’ classroom performance and their level of satisfaction