Nuclear physics
/ S. N. Ghoshal
- New Dehli : S.Chand and Company, 2007
- xvi, 1055 p.
Includes references, appendices and index
1. Rutherford scattering of alpha particles and nuclear model of the atom 2. Nuclear structure and general properties of nuclei 3. Radioactivity 4. Alpha particles and alpha radioactivity 5. Beta particles and beta activity 6. Gamma rays 7. Detection of nuclear radiations and their measurements 8. Determination of some nuclear properties 9. Nuclear models 10. Nuclear reactions(I-II) 11. Accelerators of charges particles 12. Neutrons and neutron physics 13. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion 14. Peaceful use of nuclear energy 15. Transuranic and other artificially produced elements 16. Nuclear forces and two body problem 17. Elementary particles 18. Cosmic rays