Hair, Jr. Joseph F.

A primer on partial least squares structural equations modeling (PLS-SEM) / Joseph F. Hair, G. Tomas M. Hult, Christian M. Ringle & Marko Sarstedt - 3rd ed. - Los Angeles : Saga Publications, 2022 - 363 p.

1. An introduction to structural equation modeling
2. Specifying the path model and examining data
3. Assessing PLS-SEM results—Part 1: evaluation of the reflective measurement models
4. Assessing PLS-SEM results—Part 2: evaluation of the formative measurement models
5. Assessing PLS-SEM results—Part 3: evaluation of the structural model
6. Mediator and moderator analysis
7. Outlook on advanced methods

9781544396408 (pbk)

Structural equation modeling--Least squares--Mathematics

511.42 / H1274