Elementary solid state physics : principles and applications
/ M.A.Omar
- New Dehli : Pearson Education, 2007
- xv, 669 p.
Includes appendices and index
1. Crystal structures and interatomic forces 2. X-rays, neutron, and electron diffraction in crystals 3. Lattice vibrations: thermal, acoustic and optical properties 4. Metals 1: the free-electron model 5. Metals 2: energy bands in solids 6. Semiconductor 1: theory 7. Semiconductor 2: devices 8. Dielectric and optical properties of solids 9. Magnetism and magnetic resonances 10. Superconductivity 11. Topics in metallurgy and defects in solids 12. Materials and solid state chemistry 13. Solid state biophysics 14. Elements of quantum mechanics