Pakistan's foreign policy, 1947-2019 : a concise history /
Abdul Sattar ; foreword by Agha Shahi.
- 5th ed.
- Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2020
- xii, 400 p. ; 25 cm
the emergence of Pakistan; foreign policy beginnings; the Kashmir question, 1947-1957; the search for security; alliances; The alliances - costs and benefits; China and other countries; The Pakistan-India war, 1965; The legacy of war; the 1971 disaster; the Shimla agreement: negotiating under Durees; Pakistan's nuclear programme and relations with the US; relations with India-an interlude: 1977-1979; Soviet intervention in Afghanistan - 1979; Kashmir: the struggle for Azadi; The Afghanistan civil war 1990-1998; Pakistan-India disputes and crises; nuclear weapons and missile systems; increasing isolation 1990-2001; post 9/11 policy; on-off partnership with the US 2001-2016; terrorism; Afghanistan 2001-2018; Pakistan-India relations 1986-2018; Pakistan-China: enduring entente; international organizations; policy in a changing world