Gangal, Sudha

Principles and practice of animal tissue culture / Sudha Gangal - Hyderabad : Universities Press, 2007 - 230 p.

1. Designing the tissue culture laboratory
2. Equipping the tissue culture laboratory
3. Glassware and plasticware used for tissue culture
4. Aseptic techniques
5. Sterilisation of materials to be used for tissue culture
6. Tissue culture media
7. Types of tissue culture
8. Organ and organotypic cultures
9. Primary cultures
10. Transformation, differentiation and dedifferentiation
11. Culture of cell lines
12. Protocols for routine characterization of cell lines
13. Specialized techniques in tissue culture
14. Stem cells cultures
15. Autoradiography of cultured cells
16. Flow cytometric analysis of cultured cells
17. Flow cytometric analysis of lymphocytes and cultured cells
18. Hybridoma cultures to generate monoclonal antibodies
19. Laser confocal microscopy and its application in cell biology
20. Troubleshooting

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