Instrumental methods of analysis /
Hobart H. Willard ... [et al.].
- 7th ed.
- New Delhi : CBS, 2012
- xxi, 895 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
measurements, signals and data; electronics: fundamentals and applications of solid-state devices; computer aided analysis; an introduction to absorption and emission spectroscopy; ultraviolet and visible spectrometry - instrumentation; ultraviolet and visible absorption methods; fluorescence and phosphorescence spectrophotometry; flame emission and atomic absorption spectroscopy; atomic emission spectroscopy with plasma and electrical; discharge sources; infrared spectrometry; raman spectroscopy; x-ray methods; radiochemical methods; nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; mass spectrometry; chromatography: general principles; gas chromatography; high-performance liquid chromatography: theory and instrumentation; high-performance liquid chromatography: methods and applications; introduction to electroanalytical methods of analysis; potentiometry; voltammetric techniques; electro separations, coulometry and conductance methods; thermal analysis; process instruments and automated analysis