The elements of mentoring
/ W. Brad Johnson and Charles R. Ridley
- New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
- xii, 164 p.
Select your proteges carefully; be there; known your proteges; expect excellence and nothing less; affirm, affirm, affirm and then affirm some more; provide sponsorship; be a teacher and a coach; encourge and support; shape behavior using reinforcement; offer counsel in difficult times; protest when necessary; stimulate growth with challenging assignments; give proteges exposure and promote their visibility; nuture creativity; provide correction even when painful; give the inside scoop; narrate growth and development; self disclose when appropriate; accept increasing friendship and mutuality; teach faceting; be an intentional model; display dependability; traits of excellent mentors: matters of style and personality; arranging the mentor -protege relationship: matters of beginning; knowing thyself as a mentor: matters of integrity; when things go wrong: matters of restoration; welcoming change and saying good bye: matters of closure
Mentoring in business Mentoring mentoring in education Mentoring in the professions Employees--Counseling of