Chemical thermodynamics; basic theory and methods
/ Irving M. KLotz, Robert M. Rosenberg
- USA : John Wiley & Sons, INC. Publication, 2008
- xxi, 563 p.
1. Mathematical preparation for thermodynamics 2. The first law of thermodynamics 3. Enthalpy, enthaoly of reaction and hear capacity 4. Applications of the first law to gases 5. The second law of thermodynamics 6. Equilibrium and spontaneity for systems at constant temperature 7. Application of the gibbs function and the planck function to some phase changes 8. Thermodynamics of systems of variable composition 9. Mixtures of gases and equilibrium in gaseous mixtures 10. The third law of thermodynamics 11. Application of the gibbs function to chemical changes 12. The phase rule 13. The ideal solution 14. Dilute solutions of nonelectrolytes 15. Activities, excess gibbs functions and standard states for nonelectrolytes 16. Determination of nonelectrolyte activities and excess gibbs function from experimental data 17. Calculation of partial molar quantities and excess molar quantities from experimental data : volume and ethalpy 18. Systems subject to gravitational or a centrifugal field 19. Concluding remarks