Educational research : An introduction
/ Gall,Meredith D.
- 8th
- Boston Pearson Education 2007
- 672 p
1. Introduction 2. The nature of educational research 3. Planning a research study 4. The research process: from proposal to final report 5. Ethics and site relations in educational research 6. Reviewing the literature 7. Research methods 8. Statistical methods 9. Statistical techniques 10. Selecting a sample 11. Collecting research data with tests andself report measures 12. Collecting research data with questionnaires and interviews 13. Collecting research data through observation and content analysis 14. Qualitative research design 15. Non experimental research: descriptive and causal –comparative and casual comparative designs 16. Non-experimental research: correlational designs 17. Experimental research design, Part 18. Experimental research: design, part 2 19. Approaches to qualitative research 20. Case study research 21. Qualitative research traditions 22. Historical research 23. Applications of research 24. Evaluation research 25. Action research