Mukhopadhyay, Marmar

Value development in higher education / Marmar Mukhopadhyay - New Delhi : Viva Books Private Limited, 2004 - x, 262 p.

education in the human values: the premise;
phenomenology of education in values: an exploration;
swami vivekananda on the science of values and education;
education human values: vision of rabindra nath tagore;
baha'i philosophy: education in human values for college and university youth;
the physics of virtue;
education in human values and life skills: a conceptual framework;
a case for value clarification courses in higher education curriculum;
do women students need special training because of their gender?;
research in value education;
value education for the global society;
helping students ascend the steps of value education;
value inculcation among the youth;
value development among college youth;
education in human values for college youth;
education in human values among university youth;
value episodes

9788176499545 (hbk)

Education-Higher education

378 / M8968