Hodkinson, Alan

Key issues in special educational needs and inclusion / Alan Hodkinson and Philip Vickerman - Los Angeles : Sage Publications, 2009 - x, 188 p.

PART ONE: CONTEXTUALISING SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND DISABILITIES Introduction Principles of SEN: Theoretical Perspectives Disability: Explanatory Beginnings PART TWO: HISTORICAL AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE OF SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND INCLUSION The Development of SEN: From Benevolent Humanitarianism to the Halfway House of Integration The Emergence of Inclusive Education: From Humble Beginnings International Perspectives on SEN and Inclusive Education PART THREE: OPERATIONALISING SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND INCLUSION Current Legislation Governing Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Inclusion and Multi-Agency Working Conclusion

9781847873811 (pbk)

Education-Special education

371.9 / H669