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Keep Smiling

Sociology /

Horton, Paul B.

Sociology / Paul B. Horton, Chester L. Hunt. - 6th ed. - New Delhi : Tata McGraw-Hill, 2005 - xix, 635 p. ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes indexes.

1. Sociology and society ;
1. Sociologists study society ;
2. Fields and methods of sociology ;
3. Society and the individual ;
4. The cultural context ;
5. Personality and socialization ;
6. Role and status ;
7. Sexuality and sex roles ;
8. Social order and social control ;
2. Social organization ;
9. Groups and associations ;
10. Social institutions ;
11. The family ;
12. Religious institutions ;
13. Education, science and technology ;
14. Political-economic institutions ;
3. Social stratification ;
15. Social class ;
16. Social mobility ;
17. Race and ethnic relations ;
4. Social change and social policy ;
18. Population change ;
19. The changing community ;
20. Collective behavior and social movements ;
21. Social and cultural change.

0070304432 : 9780070593961


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