Supplement to the De Gaulle republic :
Macridis, Roy C.
Supplement to the De Gaulle republic : quest for unity / Roy C. Macridis, Bernard E. Brown. - Homewood, Ill : Dorsey Press, 1963 - 141 p. illus. 24 cm.
1. Algeria and the army
2. Political institutions
3. The political parties and elections
4. The balance sheet; a new politics?
944.082 / M1746
Supplement to the De Gaulle republic : quest for unity / Roy C. Macridis, Bernard E. Brown. - Homewood, Ill : Dorsey Press, 1963 - 141 p. illus. 24 cm.
1. Algeria and the army
2. Political institutions
3. The political parties and elections
4. The balance sheet; a new politics?
944.082 / M1746