CCNP BCMSN official exam certification guide
Hucaby, David
CCNP BCMSN official exam certification guide / David Hucaby - 4th ed. - New Delhi : Dorling Kindersley India Pvt. Ltd., 2008 - xxxiv, 631 p.
1. Overview and design of a campus network
2. Building a campus network
3. Layer 3 switching
4. Campus network services
5. Wireless lans
6. Scenarios for final preparation
7. Appendix
621 / H864
CCNP BCMSN official exam certification guide / David Hucaby - 4th ed. - New Delhi : Dorling Kindersley India Pvt. Ltd., 2008 - xxxiv, 631 p.
1. Overview and design of a campus network
2. Building a campus network
3. Layer 3 switching
4. Campus network services
5. Wireless lans
6. Scenarios for final preparation
7. Appendix
621 / H864