Issues in school curriculum
Edigar, Marlow
Issues in school curriculum / Marlow Edigar - New Delhi : Discovery Publishing House, 2006 - 239 p.
1. Philosophy of education in the curriculum
2. Content in the curriculum
3. Scope in the curriculum
4. Philosophy and goals in the curriculum
5. Issues in the curriculum
6. Designing the curriculum
7. Organizing the curriculum
8. Issues in organizing the curriculum
9. Reflective teaching in the curriculum
10. Philosophy of teaching mathematics
11. Computer use and the mathematics curriculum
12. Helping the child in mathematics
13. Homogeneous and heterogeneous grouping in reading instruction
14. Foundations of primary school mathematics
15. Mathematics-social studies making the connections
16. Improving the science curriculum
17. Reading achievement in science
18. Building background knowledge for student reading
19. Theories of learning and the reading teacher
20. Tips in reading instruction
21. Grouping students in reading
22. Classical poetry in the school setting
23. Special education students and mandated objectives
8183560520 (hbk)
375 / Ed41
Issues in school curriculum / Marlow Edigar - New Delhi : Discovery Publishing House, 2006 - 239 p.
1. Philosophy of education in the curriculum
2. Content in the curriculum
3. Scope in the curriculum
4. Philosophy and goals in the curriculum
5. Issues in the curriculum
6. Designing the curriculum
7. Organizing the curriculum
8. Issues in organizing the curriculum
9. Reflective teaching in the curriculum
10. Philosophy of teaching mathematics
11. Computer use and the mathematics curriculum
12. Helping the child in mathematics
13. Homogeneous and heterogeneous grouping in reading instruction
14. Foundations of primary school mathematics
15. Mathematics-social studies making the connections
16. Improving the science curriculum
17. Reading achievement in science
18. Building background knowledge for student reading
19. Theories of learning and the reading teacher
20. Tips in reading instruction
21. Grouping students in reading
22. Classical poetry in the school setting
23. Special education students and mandated objectives
8183560520 (hbk)
375 / Ed41