Brown, James W.

AV instruction technology, media and methods / James W. Brown, Richard B. Lewis, Fred F. Harcleroad - 5th ed. - New York : McGraw Hill Book Company, 1977 - xii, 498 p.

1. Media and the systematic approach to teaching and learning
2. Media and individualized learning
3. The community as a learning center
4. Choosing, using and producing media
5. Displaying and some fundamentals of visual communication
6. Graphic materials
7. Transparencies for overhead projection
8. Photography
9. Still pictures
10. Audio materials
11. Motion pictures, films and video
12. Television
13. Real things, models and demonstrations
14. Games, simulations and informal dramatizations
15. Free and inexpensive materials
16. Print, multimedia and microforms
17. And in the future?



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