Sherwood, Lauralee

Principles of human physiology / Lauralee Sherwood - New Dehli : Cengage, 2009 - 949 p.

includes index and appendix

1. Homeostasis: the foundation of physiology
2. Cell physiology
3. The plasma membrane and membrane potential
4. Principles of neural and hormonal communication
5. The central nervous system
6. The peripheral nervous system: afferent division; special sense
7. The peripheral nervous system: efferent division
8. Muscle physiology
9. Cardiac physiology
10. He blood vessels and blood pressure
11. The blood
12. Body defenses
13. The respiratory system
14. The urinary system
15. Fluid and acid base balance
16. The digestive system
17. Energy balance and temperature regulation
18. Principles of endocrinology: the central endocrine glands
19. The peripheral endocrine glands
20. The reproductive



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