Young, Hugh D.

University physics. - 9th ed. / - New Dehli : Addison-Wesley, 1998 - xix, 1484 p.

Includes index.

1. Units; physical quantities and vectors;
2. Motion along a straight line;
3. Motion in two or three dimensions;
4. Newton's laws of motion;
5. Applications of Newton's laws;
6. Work and kinetic energy;
7. Potential energy and conservation;
8. Momentum, impulse and collisions;
9. Rotation of rigid bodies;
10. Dynamics of rotational motion;
11. Equilibrium and elasticity;
12. Gravitation; periodic motion;
13. Fluid mechanics;
14. Temperature and heat;
15. Thermal properties of matter;
16. The first law of thermodynamics;
17. The second law of thermodynamics;
18. Mechanical waves;
19. Wave interference and normal modes;
20. Sound and hearing.



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