Wehr, M. Russell

Physics of the atom / M. Russell Wehr; James A. Richards and Thomas W. Adair - 4th ed. - New Dehli : Narosa Publishing House, 2002 - xv, 593 p.

Includes answers to selected odd numbered problems, suggested exercises and index

1. The atomic view of matter
2. The atomic view of electricity
3. The atomic view of radiation
4. The atomic models of Rutherford and Bohr
5. Relativity
6. X-rays
7. Ways and particles
8. Quantum mechanics
9. The atomic view of solids
10. Natural radioactivity
11. Nuclear reactions and artificial radioactivity
12. Nuclear energy
13. High-energy physics

8185015600 (pbk)

Modern Physics-Nuclear Physics-Atomic Physics

539.7 / W423