Speech and language impairments in children : causes, characteristics, intervention, and outcome - New York & London : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2000 - 305 p.

1. Acquiring syntax is not what you think
2. Grammatical symptoms of specific language impairment
3. Genetics and early language development: A UK study of twins
4. Reading and language impairments in conditions of poverty
5. Barriers to literacy development in children with speech and language difficulties
6. Pragmatic language impairment: a correlate of SLI, a distinct subgroup, or part of the autistic continuum?
7. Specific language impairment across languages
8. Experimental studies of language learning impairments: from research to remediation
9. Intervention for children with developmental language delay
10. Recasting, elicited imitation and modeling in grammar intervention for children with specific language impairments
11. Predicting outcomes of early expressive language delay: ethical implications
12. Education placements for children with specific language impairments

9780863775697 (pbk)

Language disorders in children--Speech disorders in children--Communicative disorders in children

618.9285 / Sp321