Kittel, Charles

Kittel's Introduction to solid state physics / Charles Kittle - Singapore : John Wiley & Sons, 2018 - 602 p.

1. Crystal structure
2. Wave diffraction and the reciprocal lattice
3. Crystal binging and learning
4. Phonos 1. Crystal vibrations
5. Phonons 11. Thermal properties
6. Free electron Fermi gas
7. Energy bands
8. Semiconductor crystals
9. Fermi surfaces and metals
10. Superconductivity
11. Diamagnetism and paramagnetism
12. Ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism
13. Magnetic resonance
14. Dielectrics and ferroelectrics
15. Plasmons, polarition and polarons
16. Optical processes and excitons
17. Surface and interface physics
18. Nanostructures
19. Noncrystalline solids
20. Point defects
21. Dislocations
22. Alloys

9781119454168 (pbk)

Solid state physics--Solids--Matter--Properties
