Moonglade - Rawalpindi : Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), 2018 - iv, 238 p.

sacrifices of a few and many;
times that try out men;
I shall fight in your name dear one;
the making of a soldier;
among heroes;
missing you baba;
my brother, my hero;
eye of the star shall not be robbed away;
what I wish I could tell you now;
in love of Pakistan;
the pride I witnesses;
pride resides in the bosom of anguish;
wedding bells rhymed by call of duty;
keep on fighting our war;
a tale of two martyr brothers;
my martyred brother;
martyred in captivity;
behind the enemy lines;
too young to die;
gul zada: the citizen;
Christians who laid down life for Pakistan;
to light a candle in the darkness;
alert and firm;
chasing down terror;
stalking dir with eagle eye;
waziristan at peace;
siachen - where eagles fear to tread;
for wold peace;
not the bygone days;
loga operation;
the black hawk down;
a martyr of UN;
maximum courage;
a soldiers' general;
soldiers for life;
to my soldier brother;
the Pakistani soldier today;
Pakistan a symbol of resilience;
fighting for peace in Pakistan


History-Biography-Armed forces

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