Kegley,Charles W.

World politics : Trend and transformation / Kegley,Charles W. - 9th ed. - Australia Thomson 2004 - 633 p

1. Exploring twenty first century world politics
2. Theories of world politics
3. Foreign policy decision making
4. Great power rivalries and relations
5. Nonstate actors in the interstate system
6. The global south in a world of powers
7. Human and global challenges to the protection of human rights
8. Does globalization spell the end of borders as boundaries?
9. Markets and money in the new global political economy
10. Population pressure, resource depletion, and the preservation of the global environment
11. The new face of twenty first century armed conflict
12. Military power and national security in the age of globalized terrorism
13. Coercive diplomacy and intervention in the age of global terrorism
14. The realist road to security through alliances, the balance of power, and arms control
15. The liberal institutional paths to peace
16. Ten questions about twenty first century global prospects


Political Sciences-Politics-World

327.11 / K259