
Education policy and realist social theory : Primary teachers,child centred philosophy and the new managerialism / Willmott,Robert - London Routledge 2002 - 256 p

I. Establishing the theoretical framework
1. Structure, agency and educational changer : morphogenesis and the need for analytical dualism
2. Culture, organization theory and the new managerialism
II. Child-centred philosophy, new managerialism and the English education system : a morphogenetic account
3. Socio-cultural conditioning : plowden, the philosophers and teacher training
4. Socio-cultural interaction : Tyndale, Ruskin and the Black paper years
5. Socio-cultural elaboration : the 1988 education reform act and the new managerialism
III. At the managerial chalk face : South side and West side
6. Southside : New managerialism to the rescue
7. Westside : you can run, but you can’t hide
IV. Concluding remarks
8. What about the chidren? Some concluding remarks



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