Baumgartner, Ted A.

Measurement for evaluation : in physical education and exercise science / Ted A. Baumgartner; Andrew S. Jackson; Matthew T. Mahar and David A. Rowe - 7th ed. - Boston : McGraw Hill, 2003 - xviii, 540 p.

1 Introduction --
measurement and evaluation in a changing society; 2 Quantitative aspects of measurement --
statistical tools in evaluation;
reliability and objectivity;
evaluating achievement;
3 Measuring and evaluating physical attributes --
the nature of tests and their administration, with applications to individuals with disabilities;
measuring physical abilities;
evaluating aerobic fitness;
evaluating body composition;
evaluating youth fitness and physical activity;
evaluating aging and adult fitness;
measuring physical activity;
evaluating skill achievement;
4 cognitive and affective testing --
evaluating knowledge;
exercise psychological measurement

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