Hugo Victor

The hunchback of notre dame / Victor Hugo - USA Bantam Books 1981 - 304 p

the great hall of the place of justice;
pierre gringorie;
the cardinal and the hosier;
la esmeralda;
from charybdis to scylla;
bonfire at the place de greve;
the hazards of following a pretty girl through the streets and night;
more hazards;
the broken jug;
a wedding night;
the kindly souls;
claude frollo;
the bellringer of notre dame;
the dog and his master;
more about claude frollo;
medieval justice;
the rat hole;
the story of a cake;
a tear for a drop of water;
end of the story of the cake;
on the danger of confiding in a goat;
on the fact that a priest and a philosopher are two different persons;
the bells;
the archdeacon's cell;
the two men in black;
the effect which may be produced by seven oaths uttered in the open air;
the phantom monk;
the usefulness of windows overlooking the river;
the coin changed into a dried leaf;
sequel to the coin changed into a dried leaf;
conclusion of the coin changed into a dried leaf;
abandon hope all ye who enter here;
the mother;
three human hearts differently made;
hunchbacked, one-eyed and lame;
earthenware and crystal;
the key to the red door;
sequel to the key to the red door;
gringoire has several good ideas in the rue des bernardins;
turn vagabond;
vive la joiel;
a blundering friend;
the retreat in which king Louis says his prayers;
the password;
chateaupers to the rescuel;
the little shoe;
la creatura bella bianca vestita;
the marriage of phoebus;
the marriage of quasimodo


French fiction

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