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Fundamentals of database systems

Elmasri, Ramez.

Fundamentals of database systems / Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe. - 5th ed. - New Delhi : Pearson, 2009 - xxxii, 1142 p. ill. ; 24 cm.

includes index

1. Contents
2. Introduction and conceptual modeling
3. Databases and Database Users 3
1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 An Example 6
1.3 Characteristics of the Database Approach 8
1.4 Actors on the Scene 12
1.5 Workers behind the Scene 14
1.6 Advantages of Using the dbms Approach 15
1.7 A Brief History of Database Applications 20
1.8 When Not to Use a dbms 23
1.9 Summary 23
a. Review Questions 23
b. Exercises 24
c. Selected Bibliography 24
4. Database System Concepts and Architecture 25
a. 2.1 Data Models, Schemas, and Instances 26
b. 2.2 Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence 29
c. 2.3 Database Languages and Interfaces 32
d. 2.4 The Database System Environment 35
e. 2.5 Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for dbmss 38
f. 2.6 Classification of Database Management Systems 43
g. 2.7 Summary 45
h. Review Questions 46
i. Exercises 46
j. Selected Bibliography 47
5. Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship Model 49
a. 3.1 Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design 50
b. 3.2 An Example Database Application 52
c. 3.3 Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes, and Keys 53
d. 3.4 Relationship Types, Relationship Sets, Roles, and Structural Constraints 61
e. 3.5 Weak Entity Types 68
f. 3.6 Refining the er Design for the company Database 69
g. 3.7 er Diagrams, Naming Conventions, and Design Issues 70
h. 3.8 Notation for uml Class Diagrams 74
i. 3.9 Summary 77
j. Review Questions 78
k. Exercises 78
l. Selected Bibliography 83
6. Enhanced Entity-Relationship and uml Modeling 85
a. 4.1 Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance 86
b. 4.2 Specialization and Generalization 88
c. 4.3 Constraints and Characteristics of Specialization and Generalization 91
d. 4.4 Modeling of union Types Using Categories 98
e. 4.5 An Example university eer Schema and Formal Definitions for the eer Model 101
f. 4.6 Representing Specialization/Generalization and Inheritance in uml Class Diagrams 104
g. 4.7 Relationship Types of Degree Higher Than Two 105
h. 4.8 Data Abstraction, Knowledge Representation, and Ontology Concepts 110
i. 4.9 Summary 115
j. Review Questions 116
k. Exercises 117
l. Selected Bibliography 121
7. Relational model: concepts, constraints,
8. Languages, design, and programming
9. The Relational Data Model and
10. Relational Database Constraints 125
a. 5.1 Relational Model Concepts 126
b. 5.2 Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas 132
c. 5.3 Update Operations and Dealing with Constraint Violations 140
d. 5.4 Summary 143
e. Review Questions 144
f. Exercises 144
g. Selected Bibliography 147
11. The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus 149
a. 6.1 Unary Relational Operations: select and project 151
b. 6.2 Relational Algebra Operations from Set Theory 155
c. 6.3 Binary Relational Operations: join and division 158
d. 6.4 Additional Relational Operations 165
e. 6.5 Examples of Queries in Relational Algebra 171
f. 6.6 The Tuple Relational Calculus 173
g. 6.7 The Domain Relational Calculus 181
h. 6.8 Summary 184
i. Review Questions 185
j. Exercises 186
k. Selected Bibliography 189
12. Relational Database Design by
13. Er- and eer-to-Relational Mapping 191
a. 7.1 Relational Database Design Using er-to-Relational Mapping 192
b. 7.2 Mapping eer Model Constructs to Relations 199
c. 7.3 Summary 203
d. Review Questions 204
e. Exercises 204
f. Selected Bibliography 205
14. Sql-99: Schema Definition,
15. Basic Constraints, and Queries 207
a. 8.1 sql Data Definition and Data Types 209
b. 8.2 Specifying Basic Constraints in sql 213
c. 8.3 Schema Change Statements in sql 217
d. 8.4 Basic Queries in sql 218
e. 8.5 More Complex sql Queries 229
f. 8.6 Insert, Delete, and Update Statements in sql 245
g. 8.7 Additional Features of sql 248
h. 8.8 Summary 249
i. Review Questions 251
j. Exercises 251
k. Selected Bibliography 252
16. More sql: Assertions, Views, and Programming Techniques 255
a. 9.1 Specifying General Constraints as Assertions 256
b. 9.2 Views (Virtual Tables) in sql 257
c. 9.3 Database Programming: Issues and Techniques 261
d. 9.4 Embedded sql, Dynamic sql, and sqlj 264
e. 9.5 Database Programming with Function Calls: sql/cli and jdbc 275
f. 9.6 Database Stored Procedures and sql/psm 284
g. 9.7 Summary 287
h. Review Questions 287
i. Exercises 287
j. Selected Bibliography 289
17. Database design theory and methodology
18. Functional Dependencies and
19. Normalization for Relational Databases 293
a. 10.1 Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas 295
b. 10.2 Functional Dependencies 304
c. 10.3 Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys 312
d. 10.4 General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms 320
e. 10.5 Boyce-Codd Normal Form 324
f. 10.6 Summary 326
g. Review Questions 327
h. Exercises 328
i. Selected Bibliography 331
20. Relational Database Design
21. Algorithms and Further Dependencies 333
a. 11.1 Properties of Relational Decompositions 334
b. 11.2 Algorithms for Relational Database Schema Design 340
c. 11.3 Multivalued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form 347
d. 11.4 Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form 353
e. 11.5 Inclusion Dependencies 354
f. 11.6 Other Dependencies and Normal Forms 355
g. 11.7 Summary 357
h. Review Questions 358
i. Exercises 358
j. Selected Bibliography 360
a. Practical Database Design Methodology
22. And Use of uml Diagrams 361
a. 12.1 The Role of Information Systems in Organizations 362
b. 12.2 The Database Design and Implementation Process 366
c. 12.3 Use of uml Diagrams as an Aid to Database Design Specification 385
d. 12.4 Rational Rose, A uml Based Design Tool 395
e. 12.5 Automated Database Design Tools 402
f. 12.6 Summary 404
g. Review Questions 405
h. Selected Bibliography 406
23. Data storage, indexing, query processing,
24. And physical design
25. Disk Storage, Basic File Structures, and Hashing 411
a. 13.1 Introduction 412
b. 13.2 Secondary Storage Devices 415
c. 13.3 Buffering of Blocks 421
d. 13.4 Placing File Records on Disk 422
e. 13.5 Operations on Files 427
f. 13.6 Files of Unordered Records (Heap Files) 430
g. 13.7 Files of Ordered Records (Sorted Files) 431
h. 13.8 Hashing Techniques 434
i. 13.9 Other Primary File Organizations 442
j. 13.10 Parallelizing Disk Access Using raid Technology 443
k. 13.11 Storage Area Networks 447
l. 13.12 Summary 449
m. Review Questions 450
n. Exercises 451
o. Selected Bibliography 454
26. Indexing Structures for Files 455
a. 14.1 Types of Single-Level Ordered Indexes 456
b. 14.2 Multilevel Indexes 464
c. 14.3 Dynamic Multilevel Indexes Using B-Trees and B+-Trees 469
d. 14.4 Indexes on Multiple Keys 483
e. 14.5 Other Types of Indexes 485
f. 14.6 Summary 486
g. Review Questions 487
h. Exercises 488
i. Selected Bibliography 490
27. Algorithms for Query Processing and Optimization 493
a. 15.1 Translating sql Queries into Relational Algebra 495
b. 15.2 Algorithms for External Sorting 496
c. 15.3 Algorithms for select and join Operations 498
d. 15.4 Algorithms for project and set Operations 508
e. 15.5 Implementing Aggregate Operations and Outer Joins 509
f. 15.6 Combining Operations Using Pipelining 511
g. 15.7 Using Heuristics in Query Optimization 512
h. 15.8 Using Selectivity and Cost Estimates in Query Optimization 523
i. 15.9 Overview of Query Optimization in oracle 532
j. 15.10 Semantic Query Optimization 533
k. 15.11 Summary 534
l. Review Questions 534
m. Exercises 535
n. Selected Bibliography 536
28. Practical Database Design and Tuning 537
a. 16.1 Physical Database Design in Relational Databases 537
b. 16.2 An Overview of Database Tuning in Relational Systems 541
c. 16.3 Summary 547
d. Review Questions 547
e. Selected Bibliography 548
29. Transaction processing concepts
30. Introduction to Transaction
31. Processing Concepts and Theory 551
a. 17.1 Introduction to Transaction Processing 552
b. 17.2 Transaction and System Concepts 559
c. 17.3 Desirable Properties of Transactions 562
d. 17.4 Characterizing Schedules Based on Recoverability 563
e. 17.5 Characterizing Schedules Based on Serializability 566
f. 17.6 Transaction Support in sql 576
g. 17.7 Summary 578
h. Review Questions 579
i. Exercises 580
j. Selected Bibliography 581
32. Concurrency Control Techniques 583
a. 18.1 Two-Phase Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control 584
b. 18.2 Concurrency Control Based on Timestamp Ordering 594
c. 18.3 Multiversion Concurrency Control Techniques 596
d. 18.4 Validation (Optimistic) Concurrency Control Techniques 599
e. 18.5 Granularity of Data Items and Multiple Granularity Locking 600
f. 18.6 Using Locks for Concurrency Control in Indexes 605
g. 18.7 Other Concurrency Control Issues 606
h. 18.8 Summary 607
i. Review Questions 608
j. Exercises 609
k. Selected Bibliography 609
33. Database Recovery Techniques 611
a. 19.1 Recovery Concepts 612
b. 19.2 Recovery Techniques Based on Deferred Update 618
c. 19.3 Recovery Techniques Based on Immediate Update 622
d. 19.4 Shadow Paging 624
e. 19.5 The aries Recovery Algorithm 625
f. 19.6 Recovery in Multidatabase Systems 629
g. 19.7 Database Backup and Recovery from Catastrophic Failures 630
h. 19.8 Summary 631
i. Review Questions 632
j. Exercises 633
k. Selected Bibliography 635
34. Object and object-relational databases
35. Concepts for Object Databases 639
a. 20.1 Overview of Object-Oriented Concepts 641
b. 20.2 Object Identity, Object Structure, and Type Constructors 643
c. 20.3 Encapsulation of Operations, Methods, and Persistence 649
d. 20.4 Type and Class Hierarchies and Inheritance 654
e. 20.5 Complex Objects 657
f. 20.6 Other Objected-Oriented Concepts 659
g. 20.7 Summary 662
h. Review Questions 663
i. Exercises 664
j. Selected Bibliography 664
36. Object Database Standards, Languages, and Design 665
a. 21.1 Overview of the Object Model of odmg 666
b. 21.2 The Object Definition Language odl 679
c. 21.3 The Object Query Language oql 684
d. 21.4 Overview of the c++ Language Binding 693
e. 21.5 Object Database Conceptual Design 694
f. 21.6 Summary 697
g. Review Questions 698
h. Exercises 698
i. Selected Bibliography 699
37. Object-Relational and Extended-Relational Systems 701
a. 22.1 Overview of sql and Its Object-Relational Features 702
b. 22.2 Evolution and Current Trends of Database Technology 709
c. 22.3 The Informix Universal Server 711
d. 22.4 Object-Relational Features of Oracle 8 721
e. 22.5 Implementation and Related Issues for Extended Type Systems 724
f. 22.6 The Nested Relational Model 725
g. 22.7 Summary 727
h. Selected Bibliography 728
38. Further topics
39. Database Security and Authorization 731
a. 23.1 Introduction to Database Security Issues 732
b. 23.2 Discretionary Access Control Based on Granting and Revoking Privileges 735
c. 23.3 Mandatory Access Control and
40. Role-Based Access Control for Multilevel Security 740
a. 23.4 Introduction to Statistical Database Security 746
b. 23.5 Introduction to Flow Control 747
c. 23.6 Encryption and Public Key Infrastructures 749
d. 23.7 Summary 751
e. Review Questions 752
f. Exercises 753
g. Selected Bibliography 753
41. Enhanced Data Models for Advanced Applications 755
a. 24.1 Active Database Concepts and Triggers 757
b. 24.2 Temporal Database Concepts 767
c. 24.3 Multimedia Databases 780
d. 24.4 Introduction to Deductive Databases 784
e. 24.5 Summary 797
f. Review Questions 797
g. Exercises 798
h. Selected Bibliography 801
42. Distributed Databases and
43. Client-Server Architectures 803
a. 25.1 Distributed Database Concepts 804
b. 25.2 Data Fragmentation, Replication, and
44. Allocation Techniques for Distributed Database Design 810
a. 25.3 Types of Distributed Database Systems 815
b. 25.4 Query Processing in Distributed Databases 818
c. 25.5 Overview of Concurrency Control and Recovery in Distributed Databases 824
d. 25.6 An Overview of 3-Tier Client-Server Architecture 827
e. 25.7 Distributed Databases in Oracle 830
f. 25.8 Summary 832
g. Review Questions 833
h. Exercises 834
i. Selected Bibliography 835
45. Emerging technologies
46. Xml and Internet Databases 841
a. 26.1 Structured, Semistructured, and Unstructured Data 842
b. 26.2 xml Hierarchical (Tree) Data Model 846
c. 26.3 xml Documents, dtd, and xml Schema 848
d. 26.4 xml Documents and Databases 855
e. 26.5 xml Querying 862
f. 26.6 Summary 865
g. Review Questions 865
h. Exercises 866
i. Selected Bibliography 866
47. XML: Extensible markup language
48. Data Mining Concepts 867
a. 28.1 Overview of Data Mining Technology 868
b. 28.2 Association Rules 871
c. 28.3 Classification 882
d. 28.4 Clustering 885
e. 28.5 Approaches to Other Data Mining Problems 888
f. 28.6 Applications of Data Mining 891
g. 28.7 Commercial Data Mining Tools 891
h. 28.8 Summary 894
i. Review Questions 894
j. Exercises 895
k. Selected Bibliography 896
49. Overview of Data Warehousing and OLAP 899
a. 29.1 Introduction, Definitions, and Terminology 900
b. 29.2 Characteristics of Data Warehouses 901
c. 29.3 Data Modeling for Data Warehouses 902
d. 29.4 Building a Data Warehouse 907
e. 29.5 Typical Functionality of a Data Warehouse 910
f. 29.6 Data Warehouse Versus Views 911
g. 29.7 Problems and Open Issues in Data Warehouses 912
h. 29.8 Summary 913
i. Review Questions 914
j. Selected Bibliography 914
50. Emerging Database Technologies and Applications 915
a. 30.1 Mobile Databases 916
b. 30.2 Multimedia Databases 923
c. 30.3 Geographic Information Systems 930
d. 30.4 Genome Data Management 936
51. Appendix a Alternative Diagrammatic Notations 947
52. Appendix b Database Design and Application
53. Implementation Case Study-located on the web
54. Appendix c Parameters of Disks 951
55. Appendix d Overview of the qbe Language 955
56. Appendix e Hierarchical Data Model-located on the web
57. Appendix f Network Data Model-located on the web
58. Selected Bibliography 963
59. Index 1009


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