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Java how to program: early objects

Deitel, Paul

Java how to program: early objects / Paul Deitel & Harvey Deitel - 11th ed. - Malaysia : Pearson Malaysia, 2020 - 1286

1. Introduction to computers, the internet and java
2. Introduction to java applications; input/output and operators
3. Introduction to classes, objects, methods and strings
4. Control statements: part 1: assignment, ++ and -- operators
5. Classes and objects: a deeper look
6. Object-oriented programming: inheritance
7. Object-oriented programming: polymorphism and interfaces
8. Exception handling: a deeper look
9. JavaFx graphical user interfaces: part 1
10. Java Fx Gui: part 2
11. Strings, characters and regular expressions
12. Files, input/output streams, NIO and XML serialization
13. Generic collections
14. Lambdas and streams

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